Friday, May 7, 2010

Ring of 3 Wishes

As Game Masters we sometimes are blind of what the players want. We're so focused on running our adventures and telling our tales that we forget sometimes that in the end you guys need to fun. In the end its our job to ensure that everyone is satisfied. (We must be benevolent deities. :D) What do you guys want to see in the current game? What don't you want to see i the current game? Speak up, be honest.

Lem the Contemplative


  1. I would comment... but Ring of Wishes = Ring of Swimming. Epic Fail!

    --> insert failure tone here <--

  2. I want a bag of holding

  3. MAGIC, MAGIC and MORE MAGIC!!! Seriously I would like way more role playing so we can have more time to develop our characters but I know its tough when we only have 4 hr and 10+ PCs

  4. We can always roll dice at my place on the weekends, but I know it is hard for everyone because I am in the Bronx and because Grom has family time.

  5. I would like to see some fairness to those of us that are nerfed all the time (of course I mean myself) =P For example: there are players that are close to lvl 6, if not already there, and you have players that are lvl 1 and we get put into fights that are made for a group of lvl 6 characters. This would be fine except that the monster wont attack the higher lvl players, who are the real threats. Instead it would attack the low lvl characters that it could, and has, kill in 1 hit.
    So maybe when people have to make a new character because they sacrificed their own safety to save the other members of the party they should be allowed to make a character that is of higher lvl than 1...

  6. Ill clear up the air a little, the only reason everyone started at level one in the beginning was because everyone else was level one. That being said later on when the campaign progressed a bit and new people enter with "BACKGROUNDS"(BACKGROUND- {BAh-ACK GREW-OUUND}is a breif summary of the characters life or mini-autobiography that gives the DM aswell as the PC an idea of who the character is, where he comes from, his family if he/she has any, who he loves, e.t.c. A background should be a tenent to the PC of how he wants to roleplay his character and a PC should be able to go back to his background should he ever forget who his character is and remember who the hell he is roleplaying. A background is not meant to, I repeat is not meant to assist the PC in aquiring a bunch of skills or abilities that the pc just wants to have and isnt willing to roleplay aquiring in other words cheese-off. Good backgrounds do this on their own and stand on their own two feet to a point were the DM says you should have this because it makes sense according to your background. EX. A pc character who is a ranger and wrote in his background that he grew up in the desert for most of his life and then later the forest might be able be able to ask the dm upon character creation for arid environment survival and if the dm can see the connection might grant it. Nothing is for certain and if the DM is not a total dick he will understand what you are talking about. Again backgrounds are not meant to assist your character in cheesing off but give your character a good foundation for roleplaying and that is reward in itself. Sentence: Anessa wrote an excellent background for her character Katrina that gave a great foundation for her roleplaying to build on and flush out her character.)were able to come in at lvl 2 because the dms agreed that that was fair. That rule goes out to everyone now if you write a good, FRESH background that atleast adheres to one or two of the points in the definition above you can start at level 2. Chad wrote a decent background and so did Superstitious wrote an excellent one, thats why they started at level 2. When I say write a background, it should be fresh new just like the character, or atleast modified to suit this new character; an evil paladins background will not work for your new good pally's because you want to play a pally and dont feel like writing a new background. If you are going to quick fix a background from an old character atleast dont tell the DM. In the begining all we see is your character's background and the more time you put into it the the more time the DM takes into thinking how he will assimilate you into the world he has created. Remeber good backgrounds add to the already dynamic world the DM has created, just some food for thought.

    I am shameless

  7. i think that last long statement should be made into its own topic BAckgrounds & you, the first step...

  8. I'm not saying that backgrounds aren't important cause they are. What I'm saying is to stop contradicting yourself. You shouldn't say that a player wont get any benefits to writing a background, then after everyone starts playing giving people benefits for writing a background. If you want people to stop writing backgrounds that display what abilities they're trying to get, then you should stop giving them those abilities. If you are going to do things like that, then you should do it for everyone in the same manor. If one person writes that they have an ancient family weapon and you give that person a +1 magic long sword, then when someone else writes in their background that they have been handed down their fathers shield that was used to defend their village for many years they should get something special for their shield not just some normal one they didn't have to pay for.
    All I'm asking for is that you be fair and give everyone the same benefits instead of giving to some and hindering the rest.

    Off topic: I just saw a commercial that called a toilet a "Thunderbox". That's awesome, I've never heard that one before. Just thought I'd put that out there. Lol.

  9. Honestly im not contradicting myself...i feel as though you just dont understand...Like my definition of roleplaying and yours are of two different spectrums of light...
    Its really about how you go about it, if anyone takes time and effort into writing a background explaining x+Y=z and the DM agrees that it indeed makes sense, that x+Y can equal Z without breaking the system, and the dm can fit it into his campaign, then yes someone can infact get that plus +1 magical longsword. Lemme just say that his/her background has got to make it so that it does not appear that the wielder of said sword isnt just cheesing off to a magical items early. He has to roleplay throughtout his life like that sword is valuble to him and has meaning. That sword effects his roleplaying because it is a key part of his background...Im not saying that he has to have sex with the sword, but if he loses it he has to be willing to go on a quest to retrieve it...EOr's Sword of Gwen is a perfect example of this in C&C, and SHoo's black oak in OLd man's dbz campaign aswell. If you want shit off the bat you have to make a commitment to it, that's the price of owning magical items from character creation, and i think dont some of you would want nor understand that kind of commitment nor would you honor it properly. And lets be honest ive never seen any of your characters put any effort into anything except when you were trying to steal my Staff of Passage in the Land of the Four campaign.

    I am everywhere

  10. Simply put...go about trying to attain the things you want better, try it with more effort instead of just asking the DM, or expecting to be treated a certain way...This is something that you cannot argue...Do you roleplay more than the barbarian, or Katrina? If so then i am sorry, i have treated you wrongly...if not then you cant expect to be treated like them its as simple and as logical as that...Roleplay and you get more... Its elementary...

  11. "...EOr's Sword of Gwen..." What's EOr's? Or who?

    Who's Katrina?

    You're right, " definition of roleplaying and yours are of two different..." they are different. My idea of role playing is explaining what you're trying to do, not jumping around and shouting as loud as I can so no one else can do anything or cutting people off that are trying to role play with some stupid comment that only makes things worse.

    Remember, the point of the game is so that people have fun. I enjoy the time when we play, about 90% of the time I'm having fun and that's what it's supposed to be about. Even the times when I'm not having fun, a lot of it is when I don't get enough sleep and I'm only half paying attention. Everyone has fun in different ways, I have fun figuring out what the storyline is leading to and how we're suppose to get there and watching how it unfolds. Why do you think most of the time I'm not doing anything? This is because I know what we're suppose to do, but I want to see what other people come up with to try to solve/figure out what's going on.
    Just because someone isn't role playing the way you think they should doesn't mean that they're not role playing. You're a DM not, you have to take into consideration how different people are and not look at everyone the same. When you were just a PC and you would tell people that they're stupid and what they're trying to do is stupid, even though you might not know what they're trying to do, I didn't have too much of a problem with it. I just found it annoying, but now you have to start looking at the big picture and know what they're trying to accomplish before they finish explaining what they're trying to do. Now, you're not the only person to do this but I'm not trying to just go around bashing everyone. We all have our faults, that's what makes things interesting. If everyone acted the same, the game would get repetitive and boring.

    One last thing, since you are a DM now and in a position of authority you have to start thinking about what's going on. You can't blame all the arguments you have on other people not understanding you; maybe you're just not understanding them. You have to stop thinking one sided from now on, you have to be able to see everything and not just say, "Well you have your way of looking at it and I have mine and since I'm the DM I'm right and your wrong." It just shows how you’re not ready to be a DM. I'm not saying you have to accept everything people say, but you have to actually listen to them and try to see where they're coming from, not just ignore them because you don't want to discuss the issue. Remember, being a DM is completely different thing than being a PC and there's a lot more responsibility in game, out of game, and just as a person in all.

  12. Wow this is a great topic for discussion.

    Two thinks that are very important that was mentioned.

    2) Listening

    What is Roll Playing??

    Roll playing is like acting. Think about an actor..Samuel L Jackson. He is a good actor and has played in some memorable rolls, but the more you see his movies the more you realize he is Samuel l jackson.

    On the other spectrum is Denzel Washington. Now you can watch any of his movies and see how he became that character. You feel his sorrow and know what he is going though.

    That is Roll Playing. Choose your archetype and stick with it.

    Become that toon, don't have that toon become you. What is the point of playing if you only want to roll dice ?!?!

  13. I got no problem writing backgrounds, I've written so many as is. I'm just not going to write one for every character I have when I die every session and have to make a new one. You can just kiss my ass on that. If I can get a character that lasts a few sessions, that's different.
    Why does role playing have to equate jumping around like a baboon? If I say, "I'm going to charge him, leap in the air and come down on his collar bone trying to cut him in half." how is that not role playing, but if I got up and ran across the room, jumped in the air and swung my arms like I was holding something is? Whenever I try to actually do something "fancy" I explain exactly what I'm trying to do.
    So why is me explaining what I'm doing not role playing, but the jumping around is? I really would like to know so I can understand why I don't get the same benefits as others do.

  14. I just realized that you think everyone on this forum is bashing you Legendary.

    My comment was meant for everyone.

    Legendary, nothing is wrong in what you said. Everyone has their own style. Just don't have the same style for every character.

    Example you roll up a dwarf Paladin, and he dies at 2nd level. You did not have him long enough to develop a personality for that guy, but ideas came to your head. Grow with it.

    Next time around you can use the same idea but switch it us a bit. Take ownership of said character. I personally think you will have more fun playing.

  15. I want players to play their roles and to actually take interest in what's happening in game. If the story is boring people should speak up and let us(GMs) know. WHen only two PCs are aware of important events and neither remembers a frog's sack hair of what happened I feel like I'm wasting my time...
