Saturday, May 8, 2010

Lighting Bolt!!

I posted this for two reasons:

#1 - It is awesome!

#2 - So Legendary can see how they use the balls during LARPING.

My favorite part is the DORKY girl at the end clapping so dramatically.


  1. LMao these these people need help!!!

  2. That's us a couple years from now. LOL

  3. That guy has got to be cheating, he did lightning bolt like 15 times. He even hit a teammate with one and it had no effect on him. Also, if he had a death spell, why didn't he use it on the giant instead of all those lightning bolts? It was a good example of how they use the balls for spells though.

  4. if thats me in a few years i think im going to kill myself becuase my life would have reached a LOW and theres no going back up from there. or at the least go to AA or is it NA for roleplaying lol that would be a good post "if you have a full blown addiction on roleplaying that is running your life or family how do you seek help" because most of them my need it

  5. HAHAHAHAHA!! Random you really crack me up! You are so funny. I DO NOT DO THIS!! Oh lord!

    Yo - I am a geek, but not THIS much of a geek.
