Monday, May 10, 2010

Magical Items

Magical Items. Lets get the creative mood in the air. Everyone loves magic, like all woman like diamonds. I dedicate this thread to favorite items and ideas for new items. Magical Items.


  1. I always wanted a Sword-Bow. A weapon that can change from a sword to a bow at-will.

  2. I don't know if I can top a helmet of teleportation and a wand that can disintegrate a giant, but I am going to start thinking of some things.

  3. Ring of spell absorbtion would be sick, or something like those crystals i used to make with MAD DRake to boost up my spells output...I miss him sometimes he was alot of fun to play...My first ever chaotic evil mage turned lawful good by the damn deck of many things...

  4. The mad drake..ha..memories.

    Personally I feel simple abilities imbued in your favorite weapon is useful.

    For example I currently have 2 swords +1, my goal is to have a bearded ax +1.

  5. I see a quest within a quest! A)Find a Spelljammer. B)Locate a spellcaster able and willing to power it. C)Locate a crew skilled and crazy enough to maintain it. D)Expolore the cosmos! Definitely something I'm interested in.

  6. ....Space the final Frontier....woo hooo hhoohoho wooo.

  7. Some say 'well if we have access to the spell planeshift, we don't need no stinking Spelljammer!' I say no gut, no glory. None of us (except old arse Leetin) can claim to have explored the void between the planes. It would be fun and interesting, dangerous and full of GEAR!!! got your attention now don't I?!


  8. It be hard. Not sure if this group has enough experience to survive
