Thursday, May 6, 2010

PCs Speak Up!!

As a fellow PC I know sometimes you might feel like your opinions aren't being heard or taken seriously. This is the place where you can speak your mind and be heard.
Let me get the ball rolling, now I feel as a group we all need to step our game up. I think we shouldn't be role playing the same way we did when we first started. I'm not calling anybody out because I think we all need to grow as a group. I know the number one reason we play is to have fun but when people stop taking it seriously the game stops being fun. That just my thoughts and if you agree let me know and if you don't let me know.

P.S. Superstitious FunDelicious is fabulous LOL.


  1. I have to totally agree... I AM fabulous! ha!

    Now... seriously. I do agree with this. it is about having fun, but there has to be a purpose in mind. We have to work cohesively towards goals. The game loses its excitement if it is just a bunch of separate people doing random things. The more people step up and take risks, the better it is.

    Sure, risks mean you can lose items or even die, but you can't play with the fear of that being in the forefront. That fear will keep you from expanding on the experience and developing as a player. And besides... the better you are as a player, the more you can role play around those things... even death.

    Don't get me wrong, not all risks are worth it (do I hear Greek fire anyone?) but even so... they make for great stories, great arguments and great laughs.

  2. For me its different. My fear is not being remembered. You can have a hundred characters but when you're the only one that knows his name... what's the point of playing?

    I don't want to lose a character but if my actions set the pace of the game I did my job, and well. Be afraid to live a long and peaceful life PCs! It means you wated your time.

  3. I agree with you guys. It is about having fun, but you have to remember that not everyone is the same. The way you have fun role playing doesn't mean that others want to role play the same way. This should lead you to the conclusion to let people play the way they want, don't interrupt others because you think it's better to do it another way. If you haven't noticed, I'm more of the negative type of criticizer. =)

  4. I feel you Legendary everyone role plays differently and shouldn't be criticized for it but when roles aren't being filled that's when the problems start. Also when you don't put yourself into the character you take away the from the realism the DM is trying to create and I think most PCs can I agree that it sucks when you invest so much into a character and the person sitting next to you is like "Oh well I don't really care about this guy." I think the game would be better if everyone put effort in to representing their characters but not to the point when your to scared to do anything. I guess a right balance is needed.

  5. How come it doesn't show my picture? I do agree with you as well, but it's hard for me to put any effort into a character that will most likely die in the first 2 sessions or even in a character that you might not have wanted to make. We all know how I love to make characters that most people wouldn't and it's fun to play them as well, but when I try to make something interesting and it's denied because of all the hype about my over poweredness, it gets really annoying and makes it so I don't want to role play the one I was forced to make. I'd have a lot more fun playing and maybe even role play, instead of just waiting for fights, if I was allowed to make a real character I like. It's also really annoying when you're told that you have to start at lvl 1, but then other people start at lvl 2 or higher and then when you try to find out why that is you are told it doesn't concern you. Why do some people get these advantages and not others? These are just a few things that run threw my mind when I'm trying to role play. Maybe that's the reason I can't concentrate when I try to role play...

  6. I can placate some of those concerns. You are always trying to make some awesome character that does leave you stronger or with more abilities than other players so you get nerfed. You aren't innocent, you what you're doing. It wasn't bad when I thought you were ignorant of the unbalancing nature of some of the things you want but I [b]know[/b] evreything you do is calculated.

    The issue with levels is a relative one. I take into account how a character died, his background, and the way the previous character was roleplayed. I make a lot of players start low, its not just you. I know that part of you feeling singled out is my fault but that was when I was new to DMing and you took advantage of my naivitee. However nowadays its different. You step up I for one will be more receptive.

    Make a standard class awesome instead of trying to make a awesome class and not roleplaying.

    This forum is awesome. I don't think this stuff would have been brought up in any other medium.

  7. What's [b]know[/b] ? Really!? You take into account all these things? I remember when I started playing I was told I had to start at lvl 1 and there was no bonus for a background. That stated I know there was a player that had just started and that same day was lvl 2 before we started playing for the day. So, where's the fairness in that?

  8. And how do I try to make overpowered characters? I follow all the rules given to me, the same ones given to everyone else. Don't blame me if I think of something no one else does and I shouldn't be punished for it either. If you don't like the fact that I know how to think outside the box, then make it so there is no box. Let people make things they want, that makes sense, and there wont be overpowered characters because everyone has the same options, they just didn't think of it. What I mean by makes sense is this is a game that is based on the medieval times, so giant robots that blow up planets makes no sense, also making a god in a campaign doesn't make sense because there would be no campaign, the god would just finish the game before it started. Another example would be making a character that wouldn't fit in a party that is comprised of non types, meaning making a character that is an undead Lich Blackguard when the rest of the players make non undead good characters. This makes it impossible for that person to join the rest of the party. On the other hand, if everyone makes undead neutral or evil characters then it would be fine.
    Another thing that still annoys me is the fact that people don't talk about what they do or lie about it. For instance if I make a fighter everyone should know I made one because it only helps the group out. If I made a rogue then everyone should know as well and should probably not steal from the group because that doesn't help the group, only that person, and this kind of behavior shouldn't be encouraged by the DM's because it only leads to problems and people not wanting to play anymore or making characters just so they can get revenge. I'll think of more things later...

  9. The thing about wanting a great character is completely understandable. We all want to be epic and "legendary". That is where role playing comes in. You may start low, but role play in a way that helps you gain and strengthen and dominate.

    For instance... I don't know if you have heard of my infamous character, Lyrah, but she is one of the most badass bitches you will encounter. She is strong, stealthy, smart, magical... I could go on. She now has a helmet of teleportation, extra smells, a stone of regeneration, a kickass house, money galore.... You get the picture.

    However, she started off at level 1, with nothing special... no special weapons, no special abilities, no magical items. Nothing. I roleplayed her into what she is today.

    Try to look at it that way. No one starts off great... you make yourself great. You roleplay in a way that gives you favor and rewards.

    Don't get caught up in levels and numbers and things like that. I have seen people who have characters that could be epic and badass that turn out to be horrible because of poor roleplaying.

    The game is what you make it... and if you are so busy pouting about what you didn't get or what someone else did than you will never truly enjoy it and will never truly advance.

  10. I only know about that character from what I hear from other people so I can't say much, but even though you started at lvl 1 and role played your way to what you have I'm sure that would not have happened if every time you got close to lvling you where hit by a meteorite that came from who know where. Then you made another character at lvl 1 that dies the same session you made it because some giant clubbed you once instead of hitting the person who is beating the crap out of him. Then making another character that same session who you think you'll just sit in the back and stay out of trouble just so you don't have to make yet another character only to be killed by a house falling on you for no reason at all. You say that people should just go with it and role play more so that they could become great, but there is no amount of role playing that will help you become what you want when you die all the time, even when it has nothing to do with you, and have to make a character that starts at lvl 1 when the average lvl of the party is something like 4. This would be different if when a character dies you make a new one at the same lvl it died at because you could make a new one that more than likely wouldn't die the same session you make it. Don't worry, the lvl 1 character you have in the campaign we're doing now will die whether you fight or not depending on who's DMing and how they feel that day. Well that is if they made you start at lvl 1 or they allowed you to start at a different lvl. You will see what I mean if you show up to a lot of the sessions.

  11. And every one of them were SEXY!!! She is a beast!!

  12. Well let me lighten the mood. Any cool ideas for a new campaign. I'm not saying we should stop the current one, just want to get an idea of what people want to play. I'm thinking about running a C&C campaign in feudal Japan.

  13. hmm i would love to do a the fuedal japan campaign, can i be a half demon with dog ears and a giant wolf fang for a sword?

  14. legendary ive died just as many times as you have in this campaign and ive had to srat at lvl 1 all but the last time but the only reason my new guy is lvl 2 is becuase of the way i died the dm saw that the way i died was not because of the in game sistuations but bcause another pc all of a sudden said fuck this i dont feel like playing anymore im going to fall asleep with my eyes open and then kick the shit out the guy who i came all the way over here to save for no reason. but the dm saw all this and said ok what the hell so i got one lvl extra to my new guy (lvl 2) but my point is ive died just a many times as you have and i dont feel the same way i feel like ok i can get this guy and this is what im going to do with him. do i think im going to die no because im going to roleplay myslef into the party and im going to role play myslef as a usefull guy that they party is going to want to save becuase they need him or because he saved us we need to save him. its all about how you roleplay now if you going around saying im a pally im a pally im a playy but dont do anything pally like then why would anyone even try to save you, and theres a few other people in the group who are like that myself right now included but that will change soon.

  15. Lol I've never said anything like that, that was Lem being funny. Besides that I play my characters the way I see them in my mind, not how others want me to play them so they can use that to keep themselves alive while I sacrifice myself. The pally I have atm was made just to be a tank, that's it. I have lived to that testiment numerous times, you just wasn't around when I did it. When we were in the last dungeon, I put myself between you, Tony, and the monsters in order to protect you guys. This was on a day you nor Tony were there. Please don't try to talk trash about things you know nothing about or don't understand.

  16. Figure this is the perfect place to post the


    it is driving me nuts reading the fucking post on every topic.

  17. The great thing about this forum is for A couple of us to get to know who we are playing with. Also this is put together to help players become better.

    I have read every post up to this point and yes it seems like Legendary is constantly complaining, but I feel he is asking for help. DS is offering good advice but is getting shrugged off like you complain other do to you.

    Bro please absorb what others are trying to tell you, they are not trying to harm or insult.

    They all want to help build a community.

    Going forward we can all express our selves and talk about the latest session and yes discuss future campaigns. Lets all do it nice an no more of this negativity that has been spreading like a disease on every post .


  18. "Bro please absorb what others are trying to tell you, they are not trying to harm or insult." Were you talking to me or DS? I wasn't sure, and it changes the context depending on who you meant that for.

  19. This post is dying, quick someone ssay something to piss someone off... Toni you are a short trickster in a Onezee!!! You playu like a child prone to hide behind Daddy(Jose). Please step up, I know you're better than this.

    'There is nothing to Fear but fear itself'

    'I shall not Fear. Fear is the mind killer'

  20. Dune, one of the best books and and worst movies ever.

  21. Yo, the movie was not that bad. I sucked in comparison to the books.,..especially when they had the harmonic amplifiers.
